You might think it’s easy to identify damage to your siding, that unless you can see obvious damage on the siding’s surface everything is great. Unfortunately, as it goes with so many things in life, it’s not that simple. There are many signs of damage to your siding that come from unexpected places, like your energy bill or your home’s exterior paint.
Damaged siding doesn’t necessarily mean that it needs to be replaced, it may just need some repairs. As a homeowner, it’s essential that you understand the signs of siding damage and understand why siding repair is important.
5 Signs of Siding Damage
Siding is your home’s first layer of defense against the elements. As the years go by, you may not even realize the harm your siding has sustained. Siding lasts a long time, but not forever. To determine whether or not your siding needs professional attention, look for these signs in and outside of your home that point to siding damage.
1. High Energy Bill
Has your energy bill increased over the years? If you recently moved into your home, does the heating bill seem too high? Siding may not be the first thing many people think of when their energy bill seems too high but old, shabby siding and damaged home wrap underneath just might be the culprit. Home wrap is created to be energy-efficient and provide a critical moisture barrier. If your siding is old and your energy bill is outrageous, it’s time to call your local siding professional.
2. Bubbling, Mold, Mildew, or Fungus
When moisture seeps under your siding it doesn’t just corrupt the siding, it weakens the integrity of your walls. If you see bubbles under the surface of wood or composite siding, call for a professional inspection right away.
If your siding is made of vinyl, steel, or any other material, you won’t see bubbles as a sign of moisture seepage, instead you’ll see mold, mildew, or fungus growing out of the seams. Unfortunately, once any of these substances have grown to the point of visibility, your siding is definitely in trouble. Learn more about the causes of mold growth and how to remove it from your siding.
3. Warping and Rippling
Warping and rippling happens over time and it’s not a good look. It’s a sign that your siding can no longer protect your home from the elements. Not only is it unattractive but if it goes on long enough, it can act as another way for water to get into your home’s structure. Poor installation might be one reason for your damaged siding, but the cause can also be old age. After years of siding expanding and contracting from summer to winter, it can warp, especially if your siding is a dark color. A quality siding contractor will be able to tell you if the damage is repairable or has to be replaced.
4. Pests
Pests are a particular concern for those who have wood or old vinyl siding. If you notice little animals like birds, squirrels, chipmunks, or mice up close and personal with your home more often than you used to, that’s a red flag. Consider what might be drawing these little guys to your home’s exterior. Unprotected or compromised wood boards can rot, which attracts bugs, which attracts other critters. You might even find some of those little animals living under your siding.
5. Exterior Paint Doesn’t Hold Up
Most homes need to be painted roughly every ten years. If you’ve painted your home in the last five years and it already looks dingy, your siding is probably to blame. Quality siding should hold it’s shape and color for about ten years. Once siding ceases to hold its color, that’s a sign of water leaking underneath your siding.
Siding Repair and Replacement: What’s the Use?
Whether your situation calls for siding repair or siding replacement, it might sound like a headache to remedy either one. Although it may be attractive to put it off for a while, do not do that. You’ve already heard about the structural damage that compromised siding does to your home, but what are the benefits of immediately taking care of your siding issues?
- Increased Energy Efficiency
- Reduce Maintenance and Repair Costs
- Higher Home Value
Being a vigilant and responsible homeowner always pays off. It’s easy to put off a project that costs time and money until it’s convenient, but if you do that with siding, it will actually cost you more time and money in the long run if you wait.
Routine Maintenance Check
Some types of siding require a lot more maintenance than others. Keeping up on your siding maintenance is a great way to keep your siding in good shape and stay updated on its condition.
Vinyl is the most low maintenance siding option followed by stucco and steel siding. They simply need to be power washed once a year. Other types of siding require various types of maintenance beyond a good wash. It’s important that you know what type of maintenance your siding requires and that you ensure it gets done.
Does Your Siding Need Professional Attention?
If you’ve noticed any of these five signs of siding damage in or around your home, it’s time you start considering siding repair or replacement. By addressing your damaged siding right away, you can save yourself time and money. After repairing your siding, make sure you ask your contractor about the best ways to maintain your siding and keep it in great shape.
At Advantage Construction, we offer top-notch siding repair and replacement solutions. Our siding experts will never recommend unnecessary services. If your home repair involves an insurance claim, you won’t have to sign a contract until insurance has approved your claim and you’re comfortable moving forward. Home repairs cause enough stress as it is, our goal is to make the process easier for you.